London Fashion Week street style 1


I found a group on Meetup who were going to London Fashion Week, not to any of the shows or anything....just to meet up outside, hang out and check out some street style-so I decided to go. I have never been to fashion week before, so I didn't know what to expect to be honest (how late am I? lol)

I decided to bring my camera along to practice taking some street style shots....

The London Grey


Something about grey.....I had never been a fan of the colour...and as a result never felt the desire to wear it. It just reminds me of those miserable grey days we have here in London. It's a depressing feeling when you look up at the sky and see nothing but a blanket of grey. Along with the grey concrete pavements and buildings, too much grey can be.......dull. 

Bargain of the month (BOTM)-Winter Whites

It is no secret that I love to shop.....I would do it everyday if I had the means.....

But what I love even more than handing my money over for a new addition to my ever growing closet, is finding an absolute bargain!
It actually thrills me when I find something that I want (and in some cases need) at a rockbottom price.

Hence this post where I had to show you my recent bargain purchase this month.....or as I like to call it My BOTM..